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How to improve the page loading speed
Web Development

How to improve the page loading speed

A slow website is not good for a visitor who is coming on your website. We know that all people want to load the website faster. if your website loading is too slow visitors will not stay on your website. Average user backs out of a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

How to make a website load faster

There are free tools to check your website’s loading speed on the internet.

1. google page speed
2. GTMatrix
3. Lighthouse
4. WebPageTest

Here are some methods to improve your website speed.

1. Compress/Reduce the size of Images

The less size of images improves your website’s loading speed faster. Images help to enhance the appearance of your web pages and increase the quality of your content.

You can use images in Webp format because its size is too less compared to JPG, JPEG & PNG.
By reducing your images file sizes, you can reduce their ‘weight’, ultimately helping your pages load more quickly.

The ideal file size for photos on a website is around 200 KB, with full-screen background images ranging from 1500 to 25000 pixels wide, and most other images having a maximum width of 800 pixels. Images that are kept inside these boundaries will load correctly on PCs and mobile devices.

2. Remove the background Videos

Video backgrounds are cool and trendy. It might be harm your website to load it. But, if you want to save your website to become its slow speed. you can post a short video.

Note it if your website contains any type of video that is larger in size so you should remove the video because it takes more time to load and also your website.

You can compress the video with any tool. Always keep your video to a maximum of 30-40 seconds, or better yet, select a short video that loops perfectly, giving the impression of a longer video while being less than 1MB or 2MB in size, depending on the duration.

How to optimize WordPress website speed

3. Compress your content

You can also optimize the remainder of your material in addition to photos. This, in particular, grouping JavaScript and CSS files, dramatically improves the efficiency of your website.

you should put your content less but mind that visitors understand the content that you write on your page.
By compressing your website or content, you may make it smaller and faster to load. This leads to considerable gains in performance as well as pleased visitors.

4. Pick The Best Webhosting

What do you have in mind for your website? The perfect web host will support the platforms or building tools you’ll need to create the website you want, as well as provide ample storage, speed, and reliability. Do you need to take online payments?

As previously stated, your server has a significant impact on the time to first byte and the overall speed with which your pages load. You are most certainly renting server space from a hosting provider unless you know how to build servers yourself.

5. Use optimized and simple themes

Templates and themes have more than just an aesthetic appeal. Web designers must code in features, settings, and pictures that will all blend into a single working theme to develop them.

Schema. Schema is well-known for its speedy loading. Schema is a clean and professional WordPress theme that performs few HTTP requests, defers loading JavaScript, and has minimal components on the page. It was designed to be “the” quickest loading WordPress theme.

6. Minimize HTTP requests

Reduce the total number of pieces of the webpage that need to be loaded (such as images, scripts, and so on) – This gets down to the nitty-gritty of web development, but reducing the total number of pieces of the webpage (such as images, scripts, and so on) that need to be loaded can reduce page load time.

7. Avoid URL redirects

A URL redirect is a command or procedure that moves a user from one URL to another automatically. A redirect can be implemented in a variety of ways. A 301 redirect is a technique for preserving the forwarding page’s SEO value.