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Facing Preview Problem While Sharing A Facebook Url – Here The Solution

1. Click On The Given Link – Facebook Debugger

After clicking on the link new tab is open as shown in below…

Click on the given link - facebook debug

2.Insert The Url And Then Click The Debugger Tab

2.Insert the url and then click the debug tab

2.Insert the url and then click the debug tab

3 After That This Window Is Open And Click On The Tab “SCAP AGAIN”

3 After that this window is open and Click on the tab "SCAP AGAIN"

4.Now Refresh The Facebook Page And Post Your Url.

4.Now Refresh the facebook Page and POST Your Url.

!! Hope this article is helpful for you as well 🙂 !!

28 thoughts on “Facing Preview Problem While Sharing A Facebook Url – Here The Solution”

  1. I think the facebook app lacks the option to remove thumbnail. Thanks to this pictorial post now i know how to remove the thumbnail on a link

  2. Of course this article will help new bloggers You are well aware of new blogger problems. Because you have gone through that situation, it has written so great article that is helpful in helping new bloggers.

  3. Why on earth did I not know this. I’ve posted links in the past and just couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Thanks so much. I’ve saved the post in case it happens again

  4. I’m new to blogging, so when I come across a help bog I save them to a blogging tips folder I made. This is going to be going in there. Thank you so much for the insight.

  5. Oh my word, we have been struggling with this issue for ever and now I see it is actually so easy to solve. thank you for taking the time and doing screenshots. When it is technology related I follow them a bit easier than just text

  6. Oh wow, I had no idea this tool existed. I have needed this a few times in the last week. Thanks for writing an article on it, I’m sure I am not the only one who found this helpful.

  7. I have been having this issue. I think the facebook app lacks the option to remove thumbnail. I’ll def use this now!

  8. This is so helpful! It’s great to have a way around Facebook’s new preview rule. These instructions are very easy to follow & will help so many bloggers!

  9. I had this problem a few months ago. I tried over and over again with the help Facebook provided to no avail. I just gave up. And one day, it just worked itself out! go figure. I will bookmark this for future use if needed.

  10. This is my first time hearing of this, and I had to try it out before commenting and it actually works!!!!! Though not on the app. Thanks for this!

  11. I’ve encountered similar problems before, but luckily not frequent! Shall bookmark the debugger for future incidents. Thanks for sharing the steps~ Clear and simple!

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